Saturday, January 23, 2010

I rent a house surrounded by black walnut trees, and the house is infested with squirrels, Im going insane!?

I have had critter control out and they said my house ';makes them want to get a new career';, I've tried fox urine it doesnt work, Im going crazy with the noise, has anyone had this bad an infestation? because i cant get rid of their food source (the black walnuts)!!!I rent a house surrounded by black walnut trees, and the house is infested with squirrels, Im going insane!?
Try a dog. My dog loves to chase squirrels and he never hurts them, but he keeps them out of my garden.I rent a house surrounded by black walnut trees, and the house is infested with squirrels, Im going insane!?
Get a cat. Our cat loves squirrels. She chases them right up the tree.
  • cartridge
  • Peaches being stolen from our trees by squirrels. any suggestions?

    we don't mind sharing. but would like to have a few for ourselves.Peaches being stolen from our trees by squirrels. any suggestions?
    I put bird netting around my peach tree and it kept the pesky squirrels and birds away. The tree is small though. I ordered it (the netting) through a local plant nursery. Peaches being stolen from our trees by squirrels. any suggestions?
    Get a peice of aluminum. You can use an old piece of tin or even the flat kind. Make it so that it's about 2 feet top to bottom and long enough to go around your tree. Simply wrap it around and secure it.

    It will keep the squirrels and everything else out of the tree. Thats what we have to do with produce trees and with the pecan trees! they can't climb the metal so therefor they can't get up! Good luck!

    The Guide to Gardening鈥?/a>

    How to Grow Beautiful Roses鈥?/a>

    Growing Houspelants鈥?/a>

    If the peaches are ripe or close to being rip, pick them now. Else you'll also compete with the birds.

    I have four apple trees,a cherry tree, and white grape vines. I lost the peach tree last year when it fell over during a storm. We fight the birds, the deers, and the squirrels every year for the best choices.
    get a bb gun

    Do squirrels hurt trees in any way?

    I was doing this thing in science and i was wondering if they do? hiDo squirrels hurt trees in any way?
    They don't do much damage--not enough to kill the tree, anyhow. Squirrels will chew branches and they knock off some loose bark here and there but nothing that will kill a tree.Do squirrels hurt trees in any way?
    Hello, no they do eat the seed of any trees, but in their methods of storing these, they become symbiotic as a planter of trees, in prodigious proportions for re seeding of the forest canopies. They build nest in tree branches, and occasionally will use an existing cavity for their nest. The never make the hole, and insects that harm trees are sometime on the squirrels diet.
    In the spring when trees start budding out, the squirrels eat the plump buds as food. It affects the tree somewhat but does not kill it. They hurt the nut crop by decimating it. My pecan tree makes loads of pecans every year but I never eat any. They will cut them out even before they ripen. For some reason they will plant nuts all over the neighborhood for future generations. So in a sense they help out. I was born in a community called Pecaniere. It was the work of squirrels. There were a forest of pecan trees every where.
    They can strip of quite a surprising amount of bark and if carried to excess this could kill an individual branch but is very unlikely to kill the whole tree.
    no, they do not.

    Squirrels are eating my potted hibiscus trees on my deck - leaves & flowers! What do I do to stop this?

    You need to take action and FAST! Drape a light-weight, fine-mesh tent over your pots--just temporarily. Green camping tents are available at R.E.I. for $12 and can be cut to size. You need to discourage those clever squirrels with negative reinforcement (just like with a dog). You can also try the commercial animal repellent sprays but don't spray it on the hibiscus, itself, because it may brown the leaves. Spray on and around the pots. The product that I have found to have some success with is called Get Away--an animal repellent spray. It's an oil of mustard with extracts of chili and lemon mixed in. It has a very strong, lemony smell that squirrels, dogs and other critters do not like. I think that Lowe's carries it in their garden dept. but it's also available online. See below:Squirrels are eating my potted hibiscus trees on my deck - leaves %26amp; flowers! What do I do to stop this?
    Call your garden center and ask if they have squirrel repellent (it does exist and it is effective). Or make your own. Use spicy peppers and garlic, put em in a spray bottle let it soak for a day and spray the plants (in the evening) it won't harm the plants but the squirrels don't like it. Squirrels are eating my potted hibiscus trees on my deck - leaves %26amp; flowers! What do I do to stop this?
    I had the same problem! I put peanuts out for them and that didn't work! I sprinkled garlic and onions everywhere. I had got these ideas from a garden site. Anyway, what ended up working for me was human hair. I was hesitant about trying it, but I was tired of the squirrels. When I went and got my hair cut I asked my hairdresser for a bag of hair that had been sweep up. still not wanting to, I put on gloves and put hair in the soil around my plants. I saw that hair had been pulled up once, but never saw the squirrels again!
    Get a dog.
    buy a shut gun;not joking.that is how i got rid of a rabbit that was eating my vegetables
    just buy a bebe gun and just shoot at them it will work

    Why do you disbelieve that God is a squirrel when squirrels are all around you? On the grass and in the trees?

    because the rabbit told me otherwiseWhy do you disbelieve that God is a squirrel when squirrels are all around you? On the grass and in the trees?
    I don't disbelieve it. Have a nut?Why do you disbelieve that God is a squirrel when squirrels are all around you? On the grass and in the trees?
    He is, in all the good things a squirrel posseses. He is as much squirrel as anything else, but likening him to anything in his creation is silly.
    I think you must be right, God =squirrels and squirrels = God.
    you know you could be on to something there
    because there are no squirells in other parts of the world, like yugoslavia, austrailia, louxembourg, and the north pole
    Does that make me evil for prefering the Red ones?
    Why do you ask such a foolish question.
    Because they are all nuts.
    I saw squirrels steal a pizza, and I know for a fact that God wouldn't steal a pizza.

    He'd just vaporize a city with a comet or something. Grand Theft Pizza is beneath Him.
    That does it, I'm sold!
    and squashed all over the highways. I wish you guys would stop running in front of cars.
    squirrels just run around and eat acorns and die and they're just annoying, they don't do anything for us
    That's what my buddy Rocky tells me all the time. And he says Boris %26amp; Natasha are the devil.

    - Bullwinkle
    only because the one at work that runs up to me at the same time every day is very docile
    That would explain why they are always running out in front of my truck!

    Now I have proof that god is trying to make me wreck!
    On the grass... in the trees... drying in the sun on the side of the road...

    Squirrels risk their lives for us all the time; haven't you ever seen one go out on a limb for you??

    How could a squirrel let all the poor chipmunks starve in Africa?!

    And how could Squirrel's followers stone his only begotten son with acorns?!?
    Squirrels Rule in... Over the Hedge.

    If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no one there to hear it, do the squirrels freak out?

    No.... They call The Department of Squirrell Housing and Squirrell Development to come asssess the damage then they get a Habitat for Squirrellanity team to come in and with a generous donation from the local Squirrell depot, they put up a better and bigger tree for tomorrow....If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no one there to hear it, do the squirrels freak out?
    only the weak onesIf a tree falls in the woods, and there's no one there to hear it, do the squirrels freak out?
    When do squirrels not freak out?
    Have to be there to check it out but then I'd be there to hear it. You're giving me a headache. I'm going to bed . Thank you for nothing..............
    HECK YES, tha squirrels r in tha tree
    if there's no one there to hear it..... how would anyone know?
    Wouldn't you freak out if your nuts got bashed?
    :)))) i like your question....i'm sure they have squirrel shrinks....and i bet they make a fortune....but i'm pretty sorry for the ones living in that tree...or maybe they freak cause the tree falls because of the squirrel mafia...
    hell yeah they do and they get f'ing pissed cause they have to gather up their nuts again in more ways than one!! ;-)
    No, because the squirrels aren't there to hear it so how would they even know it fell?

    What trees in the Coniferous forest have nuts that squirrels can eat?

    The seeds are frequently referred to as nuts despite not actually being nuts. I think that the cones that squirrels are willing to chew through to get to the seeds depends on species of tree, how desperate the squirrel is, and type of squirrel. I remember seeing a video about mice which only chew through pine cones if they were taught to do it by other mice. It may be like that with squirrels too. Anyway, the pine nuts that humans choose to eat are likely also the ones that squirrels are most likely to eat.What trees in the Coniferous forest have nuts that squirrels can eat?
    Coniferous trees are gymnosperms that means they produce only seeds and not the nuts. The squirrels feed on the seeds and not on the nuts.What trees in the Coniferous forest have nuts that squirrels can eat?
    Look up nut bearing trees and it should give you all the varieties.
    don't think they have nuts: they do have pine cones and squirrels eat them
  • cartridge
  • What can I do to keep squirrels from eating the bark of my mulberry trees?

    Spray a little WD-40 on the lower 2 feet of the trunk. They won't bother it any more.What can I do to keep squirrels from eating the bark of my mulberry trees?
    Put screen around the base so they can't climb up it.What can I do to keep squirrels from eating the bark of my mulberry trees?
    put some type of slippery thing

    Do squirrels make a nest in the trees?

    I want to know does the squirrels make their nest in tree for the new born babiesDo squirrels make a nest in the trees?
    Yes. A squirrels nest can look much like a birds nest, but usually in a groin rather than on a branch.Do squirrels make a nest in the trees?
    Yes its a dome shaped nest made of twigs and lined with leafs, it look similar to a magpies nest.
    Don't they live in the tree rather then on the tree...
    Yes they do. The nest that you see up in the tree is called a ';drey.'; They are typically made out of small twigs, leaves and other leaf-like materials. The interior of the nest is made soft by use of fur or other soft material and are usually located in the top third of a tree. Squirrels will also build a ';den'; inside the cavity of a tree. They usually use old woodpecker holes or other cavities that occur naturally in some trees over time.
    Yes they do. It's a round affair with a sort of roof of sticks. It's called a dray.
    Yes! We used to have a squirrel nest in one of our trees.
    yes they can... A squirrels nest is made up of lots of dead leaves.. it will be big and round. they will also use a hollow tree.. or like when part of the tree is hollow.. they will make a nest in there... squirrels make several nests.. they have summer nests called dreys. and then they have their winter nests.. which are bigger and more secure. also when one nest gets flea infested.. they will move to another.. squirrels also nest in peoples attics or in barns or sheds. basically the safest place they can find.. they will nest there. ;)
    more likely in your loft!!! cute little buggers!
    they tend to find hole`s in tree`s to make nest`s but it`s not like a bird`s nest.
    Yes, they do. And your in the wrong catagorie, you should be in Pets-General, not Birds.
    They can make their nests in trees and often do. They will take any port in a storm that offers free rent. Squirrels are bad about making nests inside the attics of houses, if they can find a way up and in.

    I have bunches and bunches of squirels around my house as I live against the woods. Unfortunately, one or more have taken up residence in the attic in the roof. They will damage the insulation and possibly chew the wiring causing a fire hazard.

    In the U.S. There is about one or two spots which have albino squirrels, these are protected by law and kind of rare. There is also a black squirel.
    yes squirrels do make nest in trees and there nest are very similar to bird nests the only way you can tell its a squirrels nest is by consistently viewing squirrels climing up the tree into the nest
    Yes they do.We saw our first RED squirrel ever on the Isle of Wight just before Easter!Sooooooooooo cute!
    UR MOM!!%26lt;3333

    Duhh u retard,,y do u think that squirrels go in trees?!?!

    What to squirrels eat? We cut some trees and removed them (maybe destroying their home)?

    all kinds of nuts Walnuts, Pecans, acorns...etc. They also will raid bird feeders...I'm not sure exactly what they are after in those birdseed mixes. Dried corn on the cob also works as a good feed for them.What to squirrels eat? We cut some trees and removed them (maybe destroying their home)?
    acornsWhat to squirrels eat? We cut some trees and removed them (maybe destroying their home)?
    We feed squirrels around our house and they seem to love sunflower seeds. Not the ones you buy for yourself to eat, the ones you get for the birds. They sit all day and shell them. The birds enjoy them too.

    Light-reflecting objects keep birds out of trees...does it work for squirrels too?

    I have two large cherry trees and hazelnut trees that the squirrels and the birds love to have a hay day in! They eat all of the cherries and nuts before we get a chance to pick them and sometimes before they're even ripe. Anyway, I've been doing research, and I've found that putting light reflecting objects will keep the birds away. Will this work on the squirrels in the hazelnut tree as well? If not, what can I do to keep them away? Killing them is not an option...nor is trapping them.Light-reflecting objects keep birds out of trees...does it work for squirrels too?
    Place a couple of fake owls in the trees!Light-reflecting objects keep birds out of trees...does it work for squirrels too?
    Fake owls and metal pie plates should help.

    If a tree falls in the woods, and then springs back up as a joke, do the squirrels freak out?

    If a tree falls in the woods, and it falls on a mime, does anybody care?If a tree falls in the woods, and then springs back up as a joke, do the squirrels freak out?
    I could imagine it would drive them nuts.

    Wow...That was an awful joke.


    And about the mime thing....I know tons

    of hard working mimes.......Who need

    a tree dropped on them.If a tree falls in the woods, and then springs back up as a joke, do the squirrels freak out?
    yes. squirrels freak out and all the hunters in the woods laugh and are later ridiculed by fellow hunters when they retell the story..yes we care but we never can find them(mimes)
    nah the squirrels are used to the tree playing tricks on them. The tree is only getting the squirrels back for going nuts on them!

    When the mimes' family memebers see him they will; he was there only source of income!
    They go nuts!
    yes, like you wouldn't believe

    Did you know Squirrels repeatedly throughout the day, check every nut in the tree?

    Yes, they check on me at least three times a day.Did you know Squirrels repeatedly throughout the day, check every nut in the tree?
    thanks for the infoDid you know Squirrels repeatedly throughout the day, check every nut in the tree?
    Did you know that I check my nuts repeatedly every day? To make sure I have enough - stored for a rainy day!
    Now I know. Thanks.
  • cartridge
  • After the fall of man (from a tree), did humans learn to listen to typing squirrels instead of talking snakes?

    If man could only fly then he wouldn't have fallenAfter the fall of man (from a tree), did humans learn to listen to typing squirrels instead of talking snakes?
    I've ALWAYS listened to the wise squirrels.After the fall of man (from a tree), did humans learn to listen to typing squirrels instead of talking snakes?
    I think typing squirrels have a better sense of humor. I thought those chip and dale squirrels were funny.
    I listen to trees and was raised by cats.

    I enjoy watching squirrels though.
    No, they still try to climb the trees %26amp; fall just as they did before. There are some who are smart and listen to the squirrels, but the rest are ignorant to the squirrel's teachings.
    No, that might have averted all this original sin business.

    Of course, we might have listened to the squirrels if they typed something besides, ';Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts....';
    Squirrels, for the win, every time.

    BTW, I've always wondered about your pic. Is that a dramatic pose you're striking or the effects of rigor mortis?
    Wellllll ... the snake was offering a prize. What's the typing squirrel offering? ;-)

    After the fall of man (from a tree), did humans learn to listen to typing squirrels instead of talking snakes?

    If man could only fly then he wouldn't have fallenAfter the fall of man (from a tree), did humans learn to listen to typing squirrels instead of talking snakes?
    I've ALWAYS listened to the wise squirrels.After the fall of man (from a tree), did humans learn to listen to typing squirrels instead of talking snakes?
    I think typing squirrels have a better sense of humor. I thought those chip and dale squirrels were funny.
    I listen to trees and was raised by cats.

    I enjoy watching squirrels though.
    No, they still try to climb the trees %26amp; fall just as they did before. There are some who are smart and listen to the squirrels, but the rest are ignorant to the squirrel's teachings.
    No, that might have averted all this original sin business.

    Of course, we might have listened to the squirrels if they typed something besides, ';Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts....';
    Squirrels, for the win, every time.

    BTW, I've always wondered about your pic. Is that a dramatic pose you're striking or the effects of rigor mortis?
    Wellllll ... the snake was offering a prize. What's the typing squirrel offering? ;-)

    If a tree fell in the forest, and no one was around to hear it..... would the squirrels still go batsh!t?

    What? I don't get it. Man I'm stupid.If a tree fell in the forest, and no one was around to hear it..... would the squirrels still go batsh!t?
    Uh, what?If a tree fell in the forest, and no one was around to hear it..... would the squirrels still go batsh!t?
    no in that instance, they would definitely go apesh!t.
    No, squirrels are well-accustomed to trees falling, and after time don't even hear the tree falling. They can even sleep through it. It's a well known fact.
    ifno one answed your questions would you still write?
    No,but the tree would probably feel like hell
    oh' come on..they would have been used to such noises long time back!!
    You fail to put together a witty post.
    lol..i ponder that. i really do. i think they do, but only after reciting emo poetry.
    The squirrels will only go ';batshit'; if the bats eat them.

    And that's guano to you, buddy.

    Squirrels are squirrels and do not usually act like other animals such as bats or their waste products.
    Don't worry about the squirrels ! They already know that the deeper in the woods they go the more nuts they find.
    does a bear poop in the woods?
    as long as the nuts is concerned the squirrel will surely bash that thing... in the forest
    you mean if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it still make noise?

    my dad used to mess with me about that one but YES, obviously

    Probably no hopefully yes
    The squirrels would hear it, sound only becomes sound when there is an ear to pick it up..
    yeah because the squirrels have to die some how.

    Squirrels + birds nest in my trees (conifers). To save them from harm when is the best time to cut back trees?

    Are your conifers growing that fast and do they really need cutting back? For the birds, the best time to cut would be in the autumn. For the squirrels the best time to cut would be in the early spring - and for the trees, the best time to cut would be in the middle of spring or the middle of the autumn.

    If you have a number of conifers it might be helpful to do one at a time. That way at least the creatures living in them can prepare to move next door! Please, never ever cut them in the late spring/early summer - that is when the babies are born/hatched - and they will die.Squirrels + birds nest in my trees (conifers). To save them from harm when is the best time to cut back trees?
    late fallSquirrels + birds nest in my trees (conifers). To save them from harm when is the best time to cut back trees?
    Frankly, I don't see the problem. What harm are the critters doing to your trees? By ';cutting them back'; I assume you mean pruning or shaping them, and I don't see how that would affect whether birds or squirrels inhabit them or not.

    Anyway, conifers can be shaped any time except when they are actively putting on new growth (June, in Maine where I live).
    Preferably when their not home.
    in the Autumn.

    after the babies have left the nests.
    Autumn before the frosts arrive
    Conifers should be cut back in the autumn but can be trimmed all the year round.

    It depends on the conifer. Some will not grow back and may die if cut back too hard, others will sprout again.
    Late Autumn is the best time, but you might have a squirrels dray (home or nest) in your trees, but there won't be any young in it at that time of year, if you do disturb it, don't worry, they'll soon build another were it's nice and quiet !!!
    call an animal safety hotline

    Do squirrels in trees or on the ground?

    back seats of '74 chevy novasDo squirrels in trees or on the ground?
    Do what in trees?Do squirrels in trees or on the ground?
    the live in trees and sleep in trees have sex in trees
    They sleep in trees where they are protected by the height and the camouflage

    What do birds/squirrels do when their nest/ tree is cut down?

    A family of magpies lived in a tree outside of my home. It was cut down today as the roots warped all of the pavements. The family of birds cant seem to understand that home is no longer there and are hanging aboiut on my wall. What will happen for them now as it is late at night? How long will it take for them to restart a new nest? I am just concerned as I love those birds.What do birds/squirrels do when their nest/ tree is cut down?
    Birds only use a nest when they are having young. After that they don't use the nest any more, although some birds will reuse it for another clutch of eggs. Birds live mostly in tree branches and bushes. The tree that was cut down may have been one of the trees they were just used to being there. They will find another tree, don't worry, all will be well. Squirrels do live in their nests, and if it is destroyed, they will make another one elsewhere. They adapt very easily. Please read my profile.What do birds/squirrels do when their nest/ tree is cut down?
    Generally, birds do not live in nests..they reproduce in them. Sure they may use the tree itself to sleep and roost in, but they should not be breeding so late in the year. If you live in the US, it is actually illegal to destroy a birds nest as they are protected by law. Other countries have similar laws, that is why it is suggest to only do trimming and cutting of trees during the fall and winter seasons as not to accidentally or purposely destroy nests. There are a FEW species that will build nests specifically to roost in, and magpies can be one of them, so if they were sitting on nests in the tree..they were empty nests, not containing eggs or chicks in which case you did not break the law, and in which case the birds will just move elsewhere and no real harm was done.
    Find a new place to live.
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  • How do I keep squirrels out of my pear tree other than cutting down all surrounding trees?

    I've heard about tying mothballs to limbs. Does this work? Won't they dissolve when it rains?How do I keep squirrels out of my pear tree other than cutting down all surrounding trees?
    my sister has the same problem, the squirrels calmed down a bit after the cat decided to hang in the backyard, she also dedicated a few trees in her yard to the squirrels. She'd leave them treats all around that area. they hang out close to those trees now but they still do run in and out of the other ones... it did help. You have a lot of space to work with, leave an area for them and provide them wit food, maybe plant a few sunflowers...

    good luck!How do I keep squirrels out of my pear tree other than cutting down all surrounding trees?
    I've heard of a peach farmer here in Texas using a border collie to help scare away squirrels from his peach trees. I have also hear tying long strips of cloth or ribbons from the tree. The ribbons will blow in the wind and scare away birds and squirrels.


    I don't think an owl statue would work, the statue doesn't move so eventually the squirrels will figure out they aren't real.
    They really are ultra pests from hades, and disturbingly cute aswell.

    1. put the pear tree in a cage

    2. put a dog in the cage to guard the pear tree

    3. put a moat around the cage

    4. If all else fails cut down the pear tree and burn your garden

    5. Run

    ................or the slighlty less drastic approach would be to feed the squirrels in the hope they will leave your pears alone!!
    if you live in a tree-heavy area (as i am assuming you do) then there is very little you can do about them unfortunately. my best advice is to try and provide them some food elsewhere in your garden. although, then you run the risk of attracting more!

    a dog might help. we have a jack russell who loves nothing more than to chase after the little buggers!
    Cutting down the surrounding trees will do nothing. Mothballs are dangerous to neighborhood children. Why don't you just leave the squirrels be?

    Addtional Details

    I was raised in a house with 3 acres and an apple and pear orchard. We never worried about the squirrels; they are part of life.
    Shoot the squirrels.....

    Wire might long as the holes are small enough they can't climb through. Not practical on a large tree though.

    Bird netting would be a waste of time..they can just chew through it ( had it happen with my strawberies...which I have since pulled up because I was frustrated with the red squirrels)

    Also, you could live trap them...and take them for a little ride to another area..just don't get caught as it is illegal to transport ';wild life';
    The only thing I know to do is to kill as many squirrels as possible. You can trap and kill them. You could also trap and relocate them if you are not into killing. It is a never ending processes but it will cut down on your problem if your stick with it.
    try some of those traps, see if that works. i tried it and they are just too smart for it and wont go into the trap. and once u trap them, go and release them to some where els besides your pear tree( far way)!!

    hope this helps!!
    Owls. Lots of owls.
    Oh my gosh, I am surprised at some of these answers! Yes squirrels are pesky little animals, but some of the suggestions on here are ridiculous and insensitive.

    You can try putting a owl statue in the tree, until they start to realize that it doesn't move, ever. I have put coils of small black tubing in the branches, painted some stripes on it to make it look like snakes. You can do that throughout the tree and it appear to be rather natural, much more so than 5 or 6 plastic owls. Sometimes people put human hair out to detract deer, so maybe it would also do the same for squirrel. No harm trying. Hang a couple of net baggies of hair in the tree. You could ask a local beauty salon for it. I don't know why someone would think that moth balls would be all that harmful to children unless you scattered them all over the ground with a sign that says ';candy';. Moth balls stink and I think a child would reconsider before popping one into his/her mouth. Try hanging a few bags of moth balls as well. One thing is for sure if it doesn't run off the squirrels, it will run off the pesky birds and unwanted neighbors! Good luck....good for you not wanting to kill squirrels!!!
    It is virtually impossible to keep squirrels out of fruit or nut trees because of their climbing and jumping ability. Sometimes you can protect the crop of a single tree by netting it as you would to exclude birds. While squirrels can easily gnaw through the plastic netting, they may not persist if sufficient alternative food is easily available. Put up a feeder somewhere else in your yard and provide them with nuts, dried corn or even birdseed.... they seem to love birdseed.... I have many birdfeeders in my yard and seem to attract more squirrels than birds. Good Luck.
    Asking to keep squirrels out of trees is like asking the sun not to shine. However, a dog is good at discouraging squirrels and a bird netting around the tree is another option. My favorite of course is to distribute a hot wire fencing system around the tree. Any local hardware store will carry electric fencing and instruction on installation. It doesn't kill or hurt the animals it is an excellent system to totally discourage most irritating critters, even good at keeping critters in a fenced in area. This electric fencing system is typically used to keep in cattle and horses. And also works well to keep raccoons from eating expensive Koi fish from ponds. So once you hook up this system to your pear tree you should be free from the offending squirrel. It only take it once to hit the hot wire fence and your home free. Good Luck.
    I have two pear trees. My property backs up onto a wooded area full of squirrels.

    I bought a squirrel feeder鈥?/a> (not my photo, but it looks like what I bought) and put it on a post in the very far corner of my 1-acre yard.

    I keep the feeder full of black-oil sunflower seeds. Since then (1 year ago), not one squirrel has ventured into my pear trees, tomatoes, peppers, or bird feeders. The squirrels eat from their feeder, then leave.

    This doesn't attract more squirrels. Squirrels are territorial, and they won't let other squirrels into their ';property';.
    When I lived in the states I had same problem. Nobody can see you on a acre of land , so get a cross-man air rifle and shoot them. If not a good shot ,get a shotgun. You could try putting plastic bags around each fruit. But you know Squirrels are smarter than we are. Also there are big nets made for purposes such as yours. An expense, but worth it. The price of pears is outrageous.The net completely surrounds the tree all the way to the ground. Good luck. Again a great avatar

    Ps : bitter apple spray will work, also 2 cats will eliminate the problem.

    Do squirrels think about life after death? Do they look forward to that great oak tree in the sky?

    Or, if they're bad squirrels, do they go to the terrible crockpot in a rednecks kitchen?Do squirrels think about life after death? Do they look forward to that great oak tree in the sky?
    All squirrels go to heaven... lol Especially the bad ones...Do squirrels think about life after death? Do they look forward to that great oak tree in the sky?

    Report Abuse

    Bad squirrels get the weenie dog treatment.
    Good squirrels go to that great Nut House in the sky, and bad squirrels go to Mississippi.

    Should squirrels who fall out of trees be put in splints?

    This is from a guy who found a motherless, fully weaned baby squirrel under the bed in his summer cottage and fed it crispy french fry crusts until it looked rejuvenated. Afterward, I set it outside to bare the elements under its own power.Should squirrels who fall out of trees be put in splints?
    Depends. First did they break anything. Second can you catch them. Third, you and who else are going to do it...most wild animals don't take kindly to being helped. They bite. In addition, your added info didn't say anything about how the experience with the baby squirrel has anything to do with your question. I can't help but wonder why you thought a ';fully weaned baby squirrel'; needed ';rejuvenated.'; You didn't say.Should squirrels who fall out of trees be put in splints?
    i once saw a squirrel fall 40 feet into the ground right in the middle of a couple who were picnicing under a tree, when it landed, it jumped up and quickly ran away up a tree.
    put them in the stew pot ..Mmmmmm with carrots,potato's, parsnips, turnip greens and gravey. Serve with corn bread.
    Squirrels who are fully weaned aren't that tiny anymore for baby squirrels stay in the nest for a longer time than I thought-since I have squirrels used to wonder why no baby squirrels in my backyard. If you go outside and the baby squirrel is there then the kind thing to do(if it hasn't been out of the nest long then the mother has not been able to teach it what to eat,when to run from danger and what forms danger is-cat,hawks etc and it will die a slow, cruel death by starvation or get eaten by cat,hawk which may be part of natural selection but my philosophy is if I can help then I do. French fry crusts are not squirrel food-do not eat potators but will eat bread esp wheat. a good baby squirrel formula is egg yolk(NOT the white for it can choke it) and some warm milk with a bit of sugar and mix it well together and feed with dropper or Medicine syringe(No Needle) Call a Emeragency Veterinarian Clinic in your area and take it to them. They will examine and then turn over to Wildlife Rehabilitator . and you'll have the satisfaction of saving the little squirrels life and earn a point with God.--will NOT cost you anything. If you don't want to take it tonight put squirrel in a box too high for it to climb out of but first tuck it into a cozy small warm towel for baby animals must be kept warm-very sensitive to cold or put in a shoe box with towel and put the shoe box in a tall box. If the squirrl made no attempt to run from if it was ok then sign has not been taught yet by the mother but if leg injured or other injury where it can't run and so on by putting outside-well how can it survive.
    AAAWW how nice! Don't worry about feeding it french fry crusts. I've seen a squirrel hold up a pizza crust and gesticulated its tail in domination over a pizza box; it was a pretty spooky sight... but you were right to let nature take its course. Who knows, the squirrel might thank you one day. lol.

    Good Luck!

    you should keep it away from water. you dont want it to drowned
    I dont think splints will do any good, but you sound sweet for helping the baby

    A tree falls in a the squirrels care?

    The squirrels in the immediate area might if it produced food items they could eat but they would either move a distance away and scrap it out with the squirrels living there for food. Their memories would be too short and their brains too under-developed to exactly realize what happened and its effect on them.

    The squirrels living in that fallen tree would lose their nests and if they had new born in the nest(s), they would grieve and worry about the kits (or whatever a baby squirrel is called) until they died a few days (or even hours) later and then gradually get on with their lives over, say, a week and the memory would be gone.

    But long term in any case (a week or more), the squirrels would not care. They would not even remember the tree being upright.A tree falls in a the squirrels care?
    Sure they do, if they are not in it, they will miss the ride .A tree falls in a the squirrels care?
    I think the squirrels would only care if it was their home. They'd be so pissed because that's where their nuts are.
    ummmmm yes. i mean they do live in the forest dont they?
    Yes they do care. If it was an oak they just lost a very valuble food source. They also lost a home. Not only does it effect squirrels, but also birds, racoons, and others. A single tree is an entire ecosystem, and it is a very important part of many animal's lifes. Let alone humans, because trees give off oxygen.
    Yes, but they can't complain..
    yeah, esp. if they are in the falling tree.
    If they are tree squirrels then yes, kuz they just lost their home. Tho I doubt squirrels sit around like we do and think about the significance of falling trees.
    I think this would depend on the squirrel. If it is his house, then yes, if it is the neighbor squirrels house then nope.
    you betcha!
    only if their nuts were stored there
    they're busy kissing the mirror
    Nope . . . they were all squished by the tree!
    nope cause if they are under it they dead if it misses them who cares...
    Of course, they get very excited and emotional. They worry about anyone heard it fall and if not, did it really fall. Squirrels are like people. They care about the world they live in and scurry around trying to do to much at one time and they worry about protecting their nuts. They don't want to be caught ';nut-less'; when the cold winter months come. We could learn alot from the squirrels if we were open to it. Next time you see a squirrel, Say Hello and talk alittle with him.....see what you can learn.
    The only thing squirrels care about is squirrels. And walking on electric lines.
    as long as they aren't under it!
    yea, their scared sh*tless
    YES! some of them may live there.
    Yea, as long as they aren't in it.
    if it is a nut bearing tree, yu better belive it. but on a serious not, hell yes, they use trees for a means of survival to escape preditors and as a place to rear thier young.
    i bet they do, poor critters...they are prolly scared to death
    You bet your sweet bibbie they care.

    First of all the noise is very loud and second of all, the trees are their homes so of course they care about the trees that fall in a forrest.
    Squirrels care about nothing because they got big nuts.
    only if they are under it
    it depends on if the tree is their house
    They only care if their house was in it!
    Only if they get their nuts squished!
    Only if they live in it or get squished

    How might the number of oak trees in a park affect the number of squirrels that can live there?

    Squirrels eat acorns when they can't get picnic food, and make their homes in trees. They are somewhat territorial, so the more trees there are, the more squirrel families the park can support.

    Not that you want more squirrels. Rats with bushy tails.How might the number of oak trees in a park affect the number of squirrels that can live there?
    each tree has its agents as part of it s ecosytemn .

    squirrels plant trees by the burried nuts they forget,

    but acorns is not their only diet and oaktrees are not the only tree they live in.

    For example in my garden ,they nest in the coconut palms high up in the crown ,and they eat nanchis(small fruit),mangoes,bananas,passion fruit,almonds,whatever we got ,in other gardens they will eat other things.

    their diet is varied.

    so the number of squirels is not determined by the number of Oaktrees but by the amount of food in general and ,is limited depending on the number of preditors.How might the number of oak trees in a park affect the number of squirrels that can live there?
    acorns are a major food source for squirrels, more trees = more squirrels

    If we were squirrels, could you scamper up a tree faster than I could scamper up a tree?

    This is gonna be one fun game of hide and seek....I'll beat you there!If we were squirrels, could you scamper up a tree faster than I could scamper up a tree?
    Yep. Faster than the speed of light.If we were squirrels, could you scamper up a tree faster than I could scamper up a tree?
    yup yup
    Probably not unless someone was after my nutz!!! hehehe
    I'm willing to bet on it
    What's my motivation? To get to the nuts first? No. To get away from the Rotweiler? You bet! I'd be up the tree before you could get into gear.
    Not to worry. I will always be one jump ahead of you.
  • cartridge
  • Any suggestions on how to keep the squirrels from stealing all the apples from my trees?

    We have two apple trees in our yard and right before the apples are ready to pick the squirrels clean them off in a matter of daysAny suggestions on how to keep the squirrels from stealing all the apples from my trees?
    put sheet metal around the base of your tree and then up towards the top...if they can't climb up they can't get your apples.....they make those cone things (they look like what a dog wears when he/she goes to the vet and needs to not be able to reach/bite at stitches) to go around the top so they can't get up...people use them on bird feeders to so they squirrels don't eat all the bird food before the birds get to it.Any suggestions on how to keep the squirrels from stealing all the apples from my trees?
    go to your hardware store and but a round piece of metal and hang it upside down from the tree
    There are things like repel at the local farm store or if you have a bulk foods counter where some spices are really cheap, you can dust with red pepper spray. As squirrels are mammals, the hot pepper will burn their mouths without harming them and make them drop the apple and run. They will learn that your tree is not exactly for them. It is not harmful to birds or the environment it just repels them like the expensive things do. I use it to keep cats and dogs from using my pathways through my yard in the winter as their litter box. They sniff and get a snoot full. You have to reapply every time it gets damp, but it is worth it to train the animals to go somewhere else.

    If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it still scare the #$% out of the squirrels

    Only if they are quietly discussing philosophy.If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it still scare the #$% out of the squirrels
    No, squirrils are fast and always alert. I wouldn't even make them shy.

    And it also depends on where the squirril is, like if its a large forest then the squirril might not know.

    What's the difference in me shooting squirrels out of the tree tops around the house or shooting in the air..? celebrate the 4th of July (Independence Day)? I use the same low base, 12 gauge with #8 shot. I usually have a more angled trajectory when shooting squirrels, which according to the armchair munnitions experts on here, is more dangerous than shooting straight up. Funny we all hunt in the woods together and even my 85 y/o father can never remember being hurt by falling shot. They feel like rain drops to me.What's the difference in me shooting squirrels out of the tree tops around the house or shooting in the air..?
    I would agree with your assessment of the hazards, or lack thereof, of falling shot. However, I can't agree with you shooting a rifle of any kind in a populated area, though.What's the difference in me shooting squirrels out of the tree tops around the house or shooting in the air..?
    The straighter up you shoot *any* projectile weapon, the safer it is to folks on the ground around you. The projectile will go upwards, bleeding off velocity to counter gravity as it goes, til it reaches a point where it literally stops in mid air and it'll then fall back to Earth. Once it loses all its velocity going up, all it will have behind it is acceleration due to gravity coming back down....and acceleration due to gravity in the real world is *always* going to be a fraction of the force it had going up.

    You can think of a bullet being fired upward as being akin to your GI Joe you had as a kid. You wrapped the handerkerchief parachute around him and threw him upward as far as he could go....and the parachute opened and he floated back down to the ground much slower than he went up. The parachute gave him drag which slowed his descent. Bullets are the same. They fall back to Earth at a much slower speed than they went up due to drag from the air.

    In a vacuum, a bullet fired straight up would fall back to Earth at virtually the same speed it went up. It would hit the ground at your feet with almost the same speed it left the muzzle because there would be zero drag.

    A bullet fired from a completely horizontal barrel would have 100% of the speed/power of the gunpowder behind it as it hit its target. A bullet fired at a 45 degree upward angle would have exactly half the speed/power of the gunpowder behind it and half lost due to overcoming gravity. A bullet fired straight up would lose *all* its speed/power it got from the gunpowder and all it would have would be acceleration due to gravity.

    A projectile fired straight up is thus always going to be safer....moving slower....than one that was fired at any sort of an angle. The one fired at an angle will still have some of the speed/power from the gunpowder pushing it. The lower the angle, the more speed and thus more danger.
    Shotguns and rifled firearms are two different things. Most Skeet and Trap ranges allow for a 400 yard/meter drop zone; while only allowing for #7 shot and smaller to be used. The 22lr bullet has a danger zone of 1 mile and centerfire cartridges only extend that range. I noticed that you stated that your father had never been ';hurt'; by falling shot. If he has ever been dove hunting in a large corn field with hunters all around, I'll wager that he has been hit by shot. The fact that it did not hit him in the eye is just luck or the fact that he was smart enough to wear glasses. Shooting a squirrel in the woods with a shotgun is a whole lot safer than being stupid and discharging a firearm in a skyward direction in a residential area for so called celebration purposes.
    squirrels stop bullets!

    okay, just kidding, misses happen, and some folks use shotguns.

    #1 the nature of it being more open drastically reduces the chances of an accident happening. Often times it is in urban areas where gunfire at newyears or weddings or whatever can cause problems.

    #2 having a purpose. Everything in life has some risk to it. One must balance risk and reward. If you have to shoot upward in a relatively unpopulated aera using a projectile like a 12 guage using 8s or a .22 the risk is low, and you are doing it for a purpse. However, when your soul purpose is amusement, then even a small risk is too much.

    Look at it this way. You know how to make a fire right? you have no problem making a fire to cook up some fish or to warm your campsight. Fire is risky, but the risk is small, and you have a purpose to it.

    Now, what if you went hunting with your daughter's new boyfriend, and about every half hour, he would stop, make a fire, watch it for about 5 minutes then stamp it out. When you ask why he says ';because fire looks cool';

    obviously there the risk is probably outweighing the potential benifit.

    Also, the law. You can't expect the law to be written to cover all contingencies. While I wouldn't get upset if a neighbor a quarter mile away was shooting upwards in celebration (not really different than him busting clays on his property) I'd be upset if the guy across the alleyway in the city was burning off 30 round mags from his AK straight up in the air.

    and for the record, when I was growing up on the farm, we found some .22 cal holes in the top of one grainbin, and that was in a hugely wide open area.

    Ask yourself this, if you found out a neighbor came home to find his car windshield cracked by a .22 bullet, and you had been in the vicinity shooting squirrels in trees that day, would you feel bad? feel obligated to confess and replace it?

    Is it all right to inflict minor property damage just so you can make some noise?

    What can I do to keep those pesky squirrels off of my peach trees?

    I wanna eat some peaches this summerWhat can I do to keep those pesky squirrels off of my peach trees?
    My parents have the same problem with their peach tree. Go to a home %26amp; garden center and ask about a product that keeps critters away from trees and gardens. I know my parents tried some stuff like that (sorry I can't remember the product name) and it really worked. My mom makes yummy peach cobblers, and the peaches from their tree are the best! A lot of people would be surprised that squirrels like peaches. Give it a try and good luck! =)What can I do to keep those pesky squirrels off of my peach trees?
    Put them on your dinner plate
    you are a dog - peee there -my male wulf marks off the garden weekly to keep the critters out.

    If a tree falls in a wood...who rehouses the squirrels?

    British government will issue them with passports,free council house, free health care,mobile phones,allow them to lie round like loppy dogs instead of working, etc..If a tree falls in a wood...who rehouses the squirrels?
    They rehouse themselves!If a tree falls in a wood...who rehouses the squirrels?
    The democrats will vote that the taxpayers pay for it.
    The squirrel FHA
    Squirrels are opportunists. They will displace whoever is not strong enough to repel them. And the weakest will die in the brutal struggle for survival - thus creating a habitat for other smaller creatures and creating the right ground conditions for the growth of another tree.

    So beware, you and your home could be their next target.
    The Squirrel Relocation Committee
    omg!!! - you ask me this just before i go to bed??? NOW i'm worried!

    do you think they would like to come and stay in my garden??

    I think the loss of trees in a squirrels natural habitat whether it is due to natural causes of man-made causes will lead to what are known as ground squirrels. These animals dig burrows or dens out in the ground with long, sharp claws. However if the loss of trees is not gradual but sudden it would lead to the extermination of all the squirrels in that habitat because the squirrels had no time to adapt.

    However if it is just a single tree we are talking about the squirrel will just build another nest in the next nearest tree.
    The tree next to it.
    More importantly, if a man speaks in the woods and no woman is there to hear him... Is he still wrong?
    FEMA; as long as someone distributes the trailers properly.

    What is the best way to get rid of squirrels from my yard. They eat the fruit off the trees every spring!?

    I've tried to trap them and relocate but that doesn't seem to make a bit of difference. I've netted trees but the squirrels go through. I need them to go away. I live in a surburban area where they run along the fence lines. Some neighbors feed them peanuts and they nest high in the trees. What is a way to get rid of them so that they won't come back. We can't discharge guns here so can't do that. Thank you for your advice.What is the best way to get rid of squirrels from my yard. They eat the fruit off the trees every spring!?
    Well : I assume you are in a neighborhood that has cats and dogs so obviously those aren't keeping them away. Same consideration in mind throwing rocks is out and a stupid suggestion. Feeding them will only increase their population and they will want to stay. Who in their right mind releases snakes in a residential neighborhood? Need I say more about those answers...

    If you net your trees, trap the squirrels, and relocate them and still have problems the only thing I can think of is killing them and I hate that idea but don't know of anything else. Try a feed store or rodent control center at a hardware store or garden store to find what might work best for your area. They might even have other deterrents that will work as deterrents like coyote urine or something- I don't know, it's a hard one.What is the best way to get rid of squirrels from my yard. They eat the fruit off the trees every spring!?
    Throw a rock at their head! When they fall out of the tree, stomp on them!
    if you want to kill it you could use a BB gun i think you should use a paint ball gun it will hurt it but not kill it
    buy plenty snakes , india snakes or thai snakes in ur garden or ur trees
    the best way to take care of a squirrel problem-is to feed them-we have 9 different fruit trees and 3 nut trees-and we also have a feeder of corn for them-and gather black walnuts for them-unless we just have squirrels with manners,we have very small problems-also they are a ton of fun to watch-we have 3 cats and watching them is a riot-killing them would be rotten-what if we were killed for eating?
    i used to have a similar problem until i got a cat.
    Buy them bags of feed corn, maybe they'll eat that instead.
  • blush makeup
  • 5 Baby squirrels fell from a tree when cutting it?

    Ok we hired some people to cut a tree for us a big one, and like 5 baby squirrels fell, im not taking them to a vet, and their eyes are shut, i think they were born like 4 days ago, they have no fur and they fell from a really high place, and 2 of them have injured noses, we have them in the nest and covered with a towel in the sun, the people said to feed then with a hamster bottle or something.... Help? What do i do...? They look like this, more like the 2nd picture:鈥?/a>5 Baby squirrels fell from a tree when cutting it?
    *First of all if you do not have the time to devote to the 4 hour feeding you need to turn them over to the Humane Society or like asap. I have raised many and still have Booger my 7 year old male. He shares his cage with my male dwarf rabbit and loves it.

    You need to get a heating pad set on lowest setting then a bath towel folded and put on top. Place the babies on the towel. You will need puppy formula (not kitten formula) and an eye dropper. You will warm the formula (not hot) and feed threw an eye dropper one drop to the baby and let the baby suck it slowly off the end of the dropper. Let the baby swallow between drops. If the milk comes out the nose the baby will die 100% . You will need to take a paper towel dipped in warm (not hot) water and rung out. Need to wipe the butt after each feeding to stimulate the bowels. This is very very important.

    Remember to change the towel daily that is on the heating pad and wash it. Remember everything is warm not hot. If you follow the directions to a tee they will make it. Feedings are every four hours around the clock. IF you can not do any of the following find an ASPCA to take them to pronto. Delaying any feedings is crucial to the survival of the babies. You should have looked for nest in the tree before cutting it down. Now those lives depend on you. You took their home away and their parents.

    The above feedings will go on till their fur is fully in and the eyes are open. My feedings was done for several months. When they can drink out of a water bottle (not a bowl) then you can began to taper off the feedings slowly and give them sunflower seeds. They must have a tree limb in with them once they are weened. Must have the bark on it, must not be dead. This is important for the rest of their lives.5 Baby squirrels fell from a tree when cutting it?
    if you wont take them to a vet- i would just leave them be outside and let nature take its course. from such a high fall its likely they will have internal damage and die without medical care. and tryin to take care of them yourself w/o medical care wont lead to anything either because the stress alone from human interaction will kill them.

    sorry :(
    just buy some of those hampster bottlese n fill it up with milk. and keep it there. b sure that u leave them in the tree cuz their momma might come bak. lol

    good luck 4 now!!
    Unfortunately, the mother won't return if you have touched the babies. They will either abandon or kill them. We have successfully saved 6 flying squirrels and 1 gray squirrel babies, but they were about 3 weeks old and already had fur and whatnot.

    You probably won't be able to take care of them because they are so young, but good luck! We fed our babies puppy or kitten formula, don't remember which. You can look it up online, you might need infant formula. It has been a couple of years since we found the babies and I never payed attention to what type of formula my mother purchased.

    And they won't be able to use a hamster bottle. Go to a pet store or a feed store and purchase small breed puppy bottles, they work greatly! Every two hours, feed them until they are full and stimulate them (use a warm, wet wash rag or cloth and gently rub their bottom and genital areas). Keep in mind that you have to play the role of the mommy now. And, if you don't feel that you can handle them, PLEASE call an animal conservation and ask them if they can take them in and raise them, because they will have a good idea on what they are doing.
    you should keep them warm,you have 2 choices either save them yourself or hope for the mom to come. if you choose choice #2 do not touch them, wear gloves, find a place were a squirrel could have her babies and put them there make sure they DON';T FALL! if the mom doesn't come in some period of tome SAVE THEM! you will be rewarded, trust me. get an eyedropper and go to the pet Store ask the assistant for a suggestion of milk, or buy puppy milk. put a drop of milk in the eyedropper ( or hamster bottle) and feed it slowly. if one dies Bury it! Do not just throw it away! always keep them warm. and at least call the local vet and ask for help with the noses. If you save them you will be rewarded. i saved bunnies, and took them to a vet for free, and later i let them loose when they were 6 months old. in 2 weeks i won a full expense paid trip to Italy, it was so fun! you get my point right! you are a very good person for trying to save them! you should have pride in yourself! Congrats! and good luck, when they grow up a little feed them bird seed and water and warm milk.
    DO NOT FEED ANYTHING AT THIS POINT. and never feed milk of any kind especially cows milk.. as this will surly give the the babies metabolic bone disease.. which is a fatal condition. First you should call your local fish and game dept to find a local rehab rescue person in your area to give them to since they will be able to care for them properly and will have all supplies and sources to do so. And in most states it is illegal to raise animals that are wild (born outside in nature) and there are fines if caught raising them even with good intentions. I have temp rescued many just for 24 hours until I could get them to my vet which is a domestic and exotics vet. Injuries require immediate medical attention.

    DO NOT FEED ANYTHING especially if babies are cool to the touch as it can kill them. Baby squirrels have a normal temp of 99 degrees and their bodies wont process if lower than 99 degrees. Since they do have the added plus of having the nest.. first put them and their nest in a shallow box away from cats but where mom squirrel can have a chance to retrieve them. Squirrels have more than one nest usually and if she can see them and hear them she will retrieve them. if she doesn't come for them after several hours then the babies must be warmed up to temperature

    before feeding them anything.I have included an awesome site to share with you that is very informative and the people are helpful as can be..

    Do you think ';Squirrels'; are cute ? Jumping from tree to tree ??

    Do you think they should be put in cages ??Do you think ';Squirrels'; are cute ? Jumping from tree to tree ??
    they should be put in a pot with carrots and potatoesDo you think ';Squirrels'; are cute ? Jumping from tree to tree ??
    they are cute, but they also chase the birds away and raid the bird feeders, very smart little robbers too
    Squirrels are sooooo cute. My mom loves them. We have a squirrel who sits in our living room window until we get him a peanut. Sometimes we have 10 or 20 squirrels at one time. They are really funny to watch too.
    hi cage free and not in my Garden then there cute Hugs
    Yes they are cute...and noooo cages!!!!!!!
    aww they are so cute!

    i wish i could have one as a pet
    %26lt;blush%26gt; Now now, girls, there is enough of me to share. You'll just have to wait your turn, that's all.
    cute cage free
    They're useless in cages, they don't do anything...I just saw 2 this morning running around the long as they stay out of my birdfeeder, I love em!!
    no cage. There isn't enough room for them to change out of their fur and into their super hero costume in there. God help the blue jay or mourning dove who needs the Squirrel...but must first rescue him....
    We fed the ones on the college campus so much that they would come right up to you and beg for food.
    Hi ! No, I think Squirrels should be free and yes, they can be extremely cute !
    No, they shouldn't be put in cages.
    I just let Squirrel Cage out of his cage about an hour ago. He's acting a bit cocky. I don't think he learned his lesson!
    Yeah, they're adorable.

    I was just talking to my hubby about getting a Flying Squirrel for a pet. But we'd let it have the run of the house most of the time.

    What can I do to keep the birds and squirrels from getting the peaches on my trees?

    If the squirrels are coming from the ground wrap some tin around the base of the trees and tie it with smooth wire. The tin is too slick for them to grab a hold of. As for the birds try putting some small aluminum plates or foil tied to the limbs.What can I do to keep the birds and squirrels from getting the peaches on my trees?
    Spray a mixture of sulfur and water on them.What can I do to keep the birds and squirrels from getting the peaches on my trees?
    Just be sure and eat them first. Mother Nature is first come , first serve. I am surprised you didn't mention a bee problem with the ones on the ground.
    SHOT GUN!! just shoot them!!
    Put a net over the tree. Look at the web site for ideas.

    Do you think ';Squirrels'; are cute ? Jumping from tree to tree ??

    Do you think they should be put in cages ??Do you think ';Squirrels'; are cute ? Jumping from tree to tree ??
    they should be put in a pot with carrots and potatoesDo you think ';Squirrels'; are cute ? Jumping from tree to tree ??
    they are cute, but they also chase the birds away and raid the bird feeders, very smart little robbers too
    Squirrels are sooooo cute. My mom loves them. We have a squirrel who sits in our living room window until we get him a peanut. Sometimes we have 10 or 20 squirrels at one time. They are really funny to watch too.
    hi cage free and not in my Garden then there cute Hugs
    Yes they are cute...and noooo cages!!!!!!!
    aww they are so cute!

    i wish i could have one as a pet
    %26lt;blush%26gt; Now now, girls, there is enough of me to share. You'll just have to wait your turn, that's all.
    cute cage free
    They're useless in cages, they don't do anything...I just saw 2 this morning running around the long as they stay out of my birdfeeder, I love em!!
    no cage. There isn't enough room for them to change out of their fur and into their super hero costume in there. God help the blue jay or mourning dove who needs the Squirrel...but must first rescue him....
    We fed the ones on the college campus so much that they would come right up to you and beg for food.
    Hi ! No, I think Squirrels should be free and yes, they can be extremely cute !
    No, they shouldn't be put in cages.
    I just let Squirrel Cage out of his cage about an hour ago. He's acting a bit cocky. I don't think he learned his lesson!
    Yeah, they're adorable.

    I was just talking to my hubby about getting a Flying Squirrel for a pet. But we'd let it have the run of the house most of the time.

    What can I do to keep the birds and squirrels from getting the peaches on my trees?

    If the squirrels are coming from the ground wrap some tin around the base of the trees and tie it with smooth wire. The tin is too slick for them to grab a hold of. As for the birds try putting some small aluminum plates or foil tied to the limbs.What can I do to keep the birds and squirrels from getting the peaches on my trees?
    Spray a mixture of sulfur and water on them.What can I do to keep the birds and squirrels from getting the peaches on my trees?
    Just be sure and eat them first. Mother Nature is first come , first serve. I am surprised you didn't mention a bee problem with the ones on the ground.
    SHOT GUN!! just shoot them!!
    Put a net over the tree. Look at the web site for ideas.

    If we were squirrels, could you jump from tree to tree as far as I can jump from tree to tree?

    Bet if I couldn't you would practice with me until I could.If we were squirrels, could you jump from tree to tree as far as I can jump from tree to tree?
    yup...%26amp; i could totally jump farther...i'm a ';flying'; squirrellIf we were squirrels, could you jump from tree to tree as far as I can jump from tree to tree?
    Probably not cause I'm a fat lazy squirrel, who walks.
    Nope I would be a flying squirrel, beat that sucka!!

    Edit: I gotta quit being first, it gives the impression I am stalking you!
    if i was a squirrel, id never go hungry again.
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  • How do you keep squirrels off a bird feeder suspended by a wire between two trees?

    My grandma is having trouble with this, and she thinks she has tried everything... So I decided to ask the good people of the internet!!How do you keep squirrels off a bird feeder suspended by a wire between two trees?
    I saw this on one of the DIY shows. Cut two circles of plywood, put a hole in the center of each piece, and position one on each side of the feeder. The hole must be loose enough so that the circle spins when the squirrel tries to climb over it.How do you keep squirrels off a bird feeder suspended by a wire between two trees?
    Actually, Joker had a great answer too. you must have missed it!

    My parents have the same problem , including the wild racoons, etc

    You might have to resort to a non-violent trap, like they did.

    Report Abuse

    folks have been trying to come up with anti squirrel devices for years and in the end the squirrels 9 out 0f 10 times out wit the device and get the food.

    It is sometimes funny to watch a squirel and see how they defeat all of the inventions and gadgits that people think will stop them.

    Good Luck

    You'll have to wait until the water settles and the rust then settles to the bottom of the pool. You can then vacuum the rust off the bottom of the pool.

    The only other treatment is a VERY good filter and circulation system that will move heavier metals into the filter
    build a rat guard. its a funnel. atach it to the wire, with the wire going thru the funnel.
    one word: shotgun. :)

    And i guess BB gun would do the trick too.

    Why do the stupid squirrels in my yard never fall out of the trees?

    even the chunky one doen't fall out. How come that never happens?Why do the stupid squirrels in my yard never fall out of the trees?
    Strong little feet!!!!Why do the stupid squirrels in my yard never fall out of the trees?
    They aren't as stupid as you think they are.

    They wait until you are not around and then fall out. They're self esteem is already very low.... they are trying to save themselves from any farther embarrassment! (grin)
    the gravitational attraction between squirrel and tree is greater than that of the squirrel %26lt;=%26gt; earth.

    How much more effective is a 3'; 12 ga shell that a 2 3/4 12 ga shell at shooting squirrel in tall trees and ?

    at long shots?

    Also how much further can I take a shot with those 2 shells?

    Right now I am using a modified choke so for tall trees and further off shots will I need to go to a full choke?

    And how do you get a wounded squirrel to come out of a hole? How much more effective is a 3'; 12 ga shell that a 2 3/4 12 ga shell at shooting squirrel in tall trees and ?
    you'll get an extra 10 to 15 yards with the longer shells, is what I've noticed from experience. Stay away from the steel, unless you are hunting waterfowl, it just doesn't have the knock down power of the lead shot. The full and extra full chokes will get you a little extra difference, but unless you are hunting squirels out of giant redwoods, I couldn't imagine it really being needed.

    Wounded critters will usually stay in thier holes until either they heal or die. I know no way of getting on out of a hole.How much more effective is a 3'; 12 ga shell that a 2 3/4 12 ga shell at shooting squirrel in tall trees and ?
    All the 3'; shell is doing for you is putting more shot up, but at slighlty slower velocity. Your getting no advantage with a 3'; shell for long shots and quit possabley shorting your effective range. Full choke will keep the shot together longer, but not increase the distance it will go.
    A 3'; 12 gauge shell for squirrel is overkill. Big time. A long shot with a 12 gauge is 40 yards, tops, using a full choke. You'll get at least 10 more yards if you use a .22 LR, and the shells are a lot cheaper. And you won't get the wounded squirrel out of the hole.
    It doesn't matter how long the shotgun shells are, you will have to learn to limit yourself to closer distances rather than further distances when shooting at certain game.* The other option is to use a rifle instead of a shotgun.*
    With a 12 gauge for squirrel that is a moot point. The 3'; shell is probably an over-kill.

    Happy hunting.


    More pellets going faster to bring down the varmints..

    YES or NO survey: Are there any squirrels in your family tree?

    Lots of nuts and or NO survey: Are there any squirrels in your family tree?
    Yes. They are the ones producing all the nuts.

    Wish they'd learn to play ';possum';YES or NO survey: Are there any squirrels in your family tree?
    No but there's a few nuts.
    Yes...absolutely yes.
    Yes, plenty of them

    How rare are red squirrels? Mum just moved and there are 2 right outside in the tree..are they more common?

    than I thought!??How rare are red squirrels? Mum just moved and there are 2 right outside in the tree..are they more common?
    they are probably more common than you think but there are not so many of them as there are grey squirrels. You are very lucky to see them as they are much nicer than the grey ones I thinkHow rare are red squirrels? Mum just moved and there are 2 right outside in the tree..are they more common?
    I am from Mississippi originally and I now live in Tennessee. Here the red squirrels are fairly common. You don't see as many red/fox squirrels as you do the gray squirrels, but they are plentiful none the less. A friend of mine lived in San Francisco for a while and they have black squirrels there. That was weird.
    The red squirrels are common, they are really pests, your mom will want to get rid of them. The squirrels love to destroy and nest. My parents have them at their lake home and those red things tear apart anything they can in the shed, they have eaten through many items of theirs in the garage. The answer is a .22
    Unless you're on Brownsea Island, Poole, they are not red!
    if you are in Scotland, then no they are not rare... if you are in UK, then they are gradually coming back after the American grey ones scared them away......
    if they are red ones well done give them food and hope 4 more
    I've seen a red squirrel once while I was in Michigan with my folks, but when I lived in L.A. I saw a few fox squirrels as well as rock/ground squirrels. In new york they have several gray squirrels.

    All 4 are pretty common, it just depends on where you live. Like right now I live in Nevada, no squirrels but I have seen some ground chipmunks, rabbits and quils.

    They're pretty cute.
    No - they are pretty rare - depends on where you live though.
    Lucky you! A lot of people in Britain never get to see red squirrels. There are quite a few in Scotland, and there is also a buffer population on the island of Anglesea in Wales.

    Hertfordshire has black ones!

    I also live near here :鈥?/a>
    It completely depends on where you live. In many European countries, it is no longer found, due to the introduction of the grey squirrel.

    In North America, says: ';Endangered Status - The Mount Graham Red Squirrel, a subspecies of the Red Squirrel, is on the U.S. Endangered Species List. It is classified as endangered in Arizona, where it lives only in high-elevation spruce and fir forests in the Pinaleno (Graham) Mountains. This squirrel has declined over a century's time because of the encroachment of human activities into its environment, mainly in the form of logging and recreational development. It is also possible that the introduction of Abert's Squirrels into the region has had an affect, as the two squirrel types would have to compete for the same resources.';

    It also lists its range as being throughout much of Alaska and Canada; in U.S., south through Rocky Mountain states; in East, south to Iowa, n Illinois, n Indiana, n Ohio, n Virginia, and through Alleghenies.

    I remember when I lived in an apartment in Golden Valley, MN, there were Red Squirrels in the big pine tree next to my deck. I loved watching them, as they were so fiesty! They would bully the grey squirrels and chase the birds. They would hang on the tree trunk and scold anything and anyone that came too close.
    Heard a few years back hey are more common in Surrey

    We even had an albino pure white one in Eastbourne, til some dog owner let their dog eat it.... Everyone in the whole of Sussex kicked off about that!

    I got video footage of him too! Real cute!
    UK red Squirrels are completely different things to the US Red Squirrels!

    In the UK the red ones are the locals %26amp; the grey squirrels - being more numerous %26amp; aggressive - have made them scarce.

    There are small communities of them around the UK but your mum is really lucky (if you ARE in the UK!). They are far less destructive than their grey cousins %26amp; much shyer %26amp; prettier!
    back in Scotland where I was born %26amp; grew up red squirrels were %26amp; still are plentiful, but sadly their numbers are in decline. In England the grey squirrel is more abundant, since it was introduced from America it actually spreads disease to the red squirrel which is fatal to it, the grey which is larger than the red will chase the red away %26amp; take over the territory.

    there are conservation projects going on throughout England to try %26amp; save the red %26amp; introduce them into new areas.
    very rare
    There are only red squirrels on the Isle of Wight,they are protected from grey ones.We saw one at a hide on a nature reserve,so cute!Very tame too,he hung upside down on bird feeders!Enjoy.
    Red Squrils can be found on the Isle of Wight which is in England or in some pine forests of Scotland, also I belive in some parts of Kent. Hope this helps.
    there are no more red squireels in britain. If you really have 2, you could sell them for a fortune

    How can i stop squirrels from eating the fruit off my trees?

    The squirrels are eating all the ripe fruit before we can get to it. they eat part of it and then drop it on the ground. Its a mess! How can we get rid of the squirrels WITHOUT killing them?How can i stop squirrels from eating the fruit off my trees?
    if you mix 1 part water and 1/4 part cumin or chili powder and apply it (in a spray or with a sponge) to the fruits or whatever they're messing with, they'll stay away. It sounds mean, but it's about all you can do other than kill them, and this seems a lot better. :DHow can i stop squirrels from eating the fruit off my trees?
    Have you ever tried the ';Liquid Fence'; products? Meijer carries them. It's a spray you spray on your plants and the critters or insects don't bother them. They have different sprays for different pests/critters. My friends swear by them.
    What we did is we stretched a huge net under one of our pear trees. The squirrels couldn't get to the tree to climb up it AND all the ripe fruit dropped into the net. The net was not good enough to hold the squirrels so they stayed away.

    I would stay away from spraying the fruit.
    I don't know what kind of tree you have or how big it is, but you can buy netting to keep the squirrels and birds out of your fruit. I have a fig tree and I tried this . It sorta worked, but not 100%.
    You can't. You can't convince a hawk to move into your yard, so you'll just have to get a BB gun. Watch where you're pointing that thing so, if you miss the squirrel, you don't shoot a person or a window.
    get a cat and if needed have it declawed.
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  • Why do squirrels strip the bark off trees ?

    Does it kill the trees, it surely can't do them much good ?Why do squirrels strip the bark off trees ?
    They strip bark off certain trees to get to the tender cambium layer, which they eat. The theories about pregnant females and searching for water, are just that, theories. Squirrels will strip bark even during wet, rainy weather. And yes, they have been known to kill trees. Porcupines are even worse, since cambium bark is one of their main sources of food.Why do squirrels strip the bark off trees ?
    who cares if they use there teeth the qestion was why ^^lol

    Anyways... They strip the bark because of...

    1.Gnawing in search of water. This theory looks at bark stripping which occurs during the dry months.

    2.Gnawing to cope with pain. The idea behind this theory is that pregnant female squirrels late in their term, don't eat. So the belief is that they gnaw on bark to cope with the pain.

    3.Gnawing in search of food. This theory holds that squirrels are gnawing in search of the inner bark that would satisfy a particular nutritional need.
    they do it cause they get tired and they're bored, but it's pretty much like going to the beach all day then you come home all sunburnt then you ask your boyfriend to scrape the dead skin off you. it's pretty much that.
    they do it to eat the zapp from the tree (underneath the bark)
    They use there teeth rite??

    How do i keep the squirrels out of my pecan trees?

    the trees are 15 ft high and by the time the pecans are ready, the squirrels have already bit into them.How do i keep the squirrels out of my pecan trees?
    The very same thing happens to my tree. What really pees me off is that they pick them too early, take one bite out of them, discover they picked them too early and throw them on the ground to rot. The little SOBs don't even eat them. I tried a bb gun this year too. Hoping to shoot how I could in the butt to let them know to stay out of my tree. All my pecans are gone this year too, so you can see the success I had. Someone told me to try a fake snake it the tree limbs, but I haven't tried that yet. Good luck.How do i keep the squirrels out of my pecan trees?
    Wrap the base of the tree, up near where it begins branching, with something slick ex. 18in flashing, something they can't climb on and jump past on every tree that is within jumping distance to the tree. I have pecan trees too (40), there are so many nuts in the grove, they don't really make much of an impact on mine. I usually wind up giving them back to the squirrels, cause nobodyseems to want them, I probably got 40gallons left in the garage right now and this years crop is coming. I'm tempted just to let the squirrels have them. Once they are ready woodpeckers will join the feasting and then your gonna have to pick them up every freakin few hours, before the squirrels hide them.
    Poison isn't recommended unless you want to decimate the local bird population...

    Docile ways could be to fit the trunks of the trees with anti-climb mesh, maybe simple plastic tubing that makes getting a grip difficult.

    If the branches are too low to the ground combine the previous option with a net to prevent them getting at the trees via any route. Just be sure only to add the net after fruits have started forming otherwise you'll keep bees from the flowers preventing pollination.

    If all that fails violent options include anything from an air rifle to a 12 gauge shotgun. But these are bad for the squirrels, neighbourhood and the environment.
    Bribe your cats, so they will stand guard near the trees. Or let your dogs out onto the yards. The dogs won't catch the squirrels, but they may keep the squirrels away. :)
    why do you want to keep them out ? We have felled most there trees they live in, a few squirrels ain't gonna harm it
    bb gun or wrist rocket.

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    How do you keep squirrels out of fruit trees?

    Create an aluminum 'skirt' around the trunk about 5-6' from the ground; this will hamper them from climbing the trunk of the tree.

    Squirrels will leap from nearby high spots. Do the same to neighboring trees. If they have a jumping area from your roof, then you need to evaluate how to discontinue them from getting onto the roof as well.How do you keep squirrels out of fruit trees?
    GET A DOGHow do you keep squirrels out of fruit trees?
    hang cd's from the limbs or set jugs of water at the base. either one of them create a reflection from the sun and something about the reflection scares them. or a dog that likes to hunt.
    We have a similar problem as our home %26amp; property backs to a common area that has huge oak trees, many squirrels and occasionally red foxes. Besides the fruit trees, squirrels sometimes will sample tomatoes...

    When fruit get larger, we try throwing over the fruit trees, black plastic bird netting and trying at the tree base bec my wife is convinced that squirrels don't want to risk getting their claws tangled in netting. My wife has even gone through the trouble of taking old aluminum wired gutter covers and wrapping fruit with it.

    Hope the Info Helps and Best of Luck!
    What if you tie something circular around the trunk. I'm thinking it should look like the cones that stop dogs from scratching. In the Navy we would tie something similar to that to the lines (ropes) going to the ship to stop rats. Hope this helps.
    Just sit them down and give them a good stern talking to. That should do it.
    They'll take the path of least resistance. I leave a supply of food for them away from the trees so they leave my trees alone.

    The Muse
    get a bb gun they love the fruit there is no way your going to keep them away unless you scare them with a bb gun or sling shot or something to that nature they won't go.i don't know what else to tell you i know it sounds cruel but you don't have to hit them just scare them before you know it there be 30 of them up there eating all your fruit.

    Why do Squirrels climb around trees and not straight up?

    They do both, straight up and round and round. I think it makes it harder for predators to find their nest if they go round and round maybe. But I am in my living room right now and have been watching two squirrels collecting bird seed from around my feeders and run straight up the tree with it.Why do Squirrels climb around trees and not straight up?
    Could it have something to do with gravity? Like maybe its harder to pull a horizontal squirrel down a tree than a vertical one? Just thinking out loud!Why do Squirrels climb around trees and not straight up?
    ohmygod i never thought about this !!

    uhh ..

    what do you call it , the things that try to get em ?
    makes it harder for predators to get them.
    because their jerks i hate squirrels
    i think they think its fun
    evasive action so nothing can attack it my opinion

    SQUIRREL PANIC! Is there a way to save the squirrels and the trees?

    There are a bunch of black squirrels in my neighborhood eating away at the bark of some trees. This results in the death of the trees, which are irreplaceable to our neighborhood. I have tried various sprays to keep the squirrels from the trees, but they have not worked. Many of my neighbors have set up traps, but don't know what to do once they have caught the squirrel except kill them. Is there a way to keep the trees and the squirrels alive? If not, what should we do with these trapped squirrels?

    (one neighbor has tried driving the squirrel they caught 5 miles away, but the squirrel somehow came back)SQUIRREL PANIC! Is there a way to save the squirrels and the trees?
    Typically the surrounding area would have enough nuts, beetles, worms, milli+centipedes, and other foods to feed them. Reading your situation, it seems to me that the squirrels are nearing the end of their food supply - and this could be a worsening problem because it's really just getting into early summertime (here in the northern hemisphere - I don't know where you are...), so food should be plentiful, shouldn't it?

    Now I don't know that much about squirrel feeding habits, but what about the surrounding areas - is there enough out-of-tree food, enough of a sustainable environment around them - for them to feed?

    Might there be an overpopulation problem? Are there more than usual this year? I'm thinking that it might not be a bad idea to hire a ';pest'; control group to capture them, if this is the case, and transport them to a large, more appealing forest further away - male and some females would be better. Maybe your neighbors can get together with a town representative and get financial help for them. The trees are, really, the goal - saving the trees?

    Hey, just had another thought... Is there a predator (neighborhood or feral dogs or cats) on the ground that is forcing them to stay (and feed) in the trees. Hang out by the trees for a couple hours, (bring some food for the squirrels, too) and see what happens...SQUIRREL PANIC! Is there a way to save the squirrels and the trees?
    eat the squirrel[ they are quiet tasty] and plant two trees for every one that needs replacing.tin around the tree will prevent them from climbing and keep feeders out of trees. the only other thing I can suggest is an exterminator but you know what they will do to the squirrels

    How do i keep the squirrels out of my pecan trees?

    the trees are 15 ft high and by the time the pecans are ready, the squirrels have already bit into them.How do i keep the squirrels out of my pecan trees?
    You can not.

    My husband puts out peanuts for them and they like bird seed.How do i keep the squirrels out of my pecan trees?
    the trees are there FOR THE SQUIRRELS... you just get the leftovers!!... really.... it's not going to happen.... get what you can... and one little tooth mark?... no problem there... once it's shelled you won't know which one was bitten!!...
    Good luck with that. You have two options, you won't like either. One shoot the squirrels, two cut down the trees. You will never control the squirrels, this is there winter food.
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  • You own a woodlot composed entirely of oak trees. Being a squirrel lover, you release?

    Using your knowledge of niche %26amp; competitive exclusion, briefly explain why your answer is best to maintain both species.You own a woodlot composed entirely of oak trees. Being a squirrel lover, you release?
    B is most logical, because it is the only option with both oak and pine trees occupying your lot at the end of the day. althoguh i do feel liek this answer was too simple, it is more logical than a) which would only increase your grey population, c) which would eliminate your grey population, and d) which would eliminate all species of squirrel, regardless of colour

    What epells squirrels from trees?

    owlsWhat epells squirrels from trees?
    CatsWhat epells squirrels from trees?
    A chainsaw is the only solution. They are to persistant for anything else.

    Squirrels eating fruit out of pear tree?

    The squirrels are probably throwing them on the ground after one bite because they don't like them. Squirrels favorite foods consist of nuts and seeds. Most people enjoy the site of squirrels scurrying up and down their trees and adding life to the landscape. If you don't want them to keep ripping off your buds, perhaps you should try the best alternative which is subsitution of course! They're hungry little creatures, if you set out something in your tree for them to munch on, they'll leave your buds alone.


    1.Dedicated few trees in yard to the squirrels.

    2.Leave them treats all around that area. they hang out close to those trees.. Dried corns will do.

    3.If you have a lot of space to work with, leave an area for them and provide them wit food, maybe plant a few sunflowers...

    Good luck !!!Squirrels eating fruit out of pear tree?
    Keep trying. Third time's the charm.

    Why did Eve listen to talking tree snakes instead of talking squirrels?

    Probably because if the squirrels could have talked in the Garden of Eden, they would have been more interested in conversations about where food was, rather than trying to flatter and trick a woman.

    Can you see a squirrel telling a young lady that they should go and try to eat some of that forbidden fruit to gain knowledge?? No, but I could see the squirrel saying to Eve, ';come on, come on, let's go get that fruit'; and then the squirrel would have demanded all of the fruit for themselves!!Why did Eve listen to talking tree snakes instead of talking squirrels?
    Eve is a fictional character.Why did Eve listen to talking tree snakes instead of talking squirrels?
    My question is if you believe in the bible, and the bible never said that talking animals was normal, why didn't Eve freak out when the snake talked? And if we are to assume animals did talk, why did they stop talking? Can anyone else see how totally ridiculous this thought process is?
    Because..';she loved talking with the snake. He made little sounds with his tongue. The snake made her feel good inside...';-Laurie Anderson the snake is just a metaphor, as with most of the older old testiment. Obviously it's about good vs. evil and snakes are the symbol of evil.

    My theory: It represents oral sex and the snake was his penis and she wanted to take a bite of the apple on top but he thought it was wrong, or was afraid she would 'bite it'. After all -it's another way that ancient man blamed all his mistakes on listening to the woman. She took the fall or was thrown under the bus by those ancient wisemen who were trying to explain what 'IT' is all about.
    Squirrely, I think it was the trouser snake that she was really after. ; )

    Imagine the catastrophe if she DID listen to the talking squirrel.
    Because fruit tastes better than acorns?
    Because she knew the squirrel was nuts...she SHOULD have listened to God's Kitty.

    Meows! =^-^=
    Because the snake had a long hard tail, hehe
    Because she was stupid - duh!! Only the Squirrel can lead us.
    Satan posessed the snake....ugh you all know this

    im letting out air
    We'd all have been better off if she had, I'm sure. The squirrel would have told her to eat nuts, not fruit, and the nut tree was not forbidden.

    Oh, well; maybe next time.
    The squirrel was off with the moose ... the snake was all she had at the time.
    If she had she might have eaten Adams nuts by mistake
    Where's that talking donkey when you need him? We need Balaam to chime in!
    rocky and bullwinkle didn't appear til after they left the garden
    The squirrels put the snake up to it. Didn't want to lose their legs.

    Squirrels in pear tree?

    yesSquirrels in pear tree?
    Try to be more specific.

    Squirrels in pear tree?

    yesSquirrels in pear tree?
    Try to be more specific.
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  • What is the best way to keep squirrels out of pecan trees?

    no smart cracks pleaseWhat is the best way to keep squirrels out of pecan trees?
    The best way that I can think of is the same way that you keep them off of your bird feeders. If you wrap the tree in a piece of metal (like a stove pipe) they can't get their claws into it and they can't get past it on the trunk. Just make sure that the peice is long enough so they cant jump over it. Another thing you can do is make a cone out of plastic with the wide part facing down and wrap that around the tree as long as you put it far enough off the ground they shouldn't be able to get past that either. Of course if the pecan trees are close to other trees and the branches touch there is not much you can do.What is the best way to keep squirrels out of pecan trees?
    I don't know if this will work, but, I've seen in Caribbean countries where people put a metal band or a strip of metal at a certain level off the ground around the coconut tree to prevent rats from climbing up (yes, rats DO climb using their nails) to gnaw at the coconuts and eat the fleshy part of the inside of the coconuts; rats have been known to devastate a whole crop of coconut trees (coconuts are sold for manufacturing oils for many products including but not limited to hair products, skin products, pharmaceuticals, beauty products, soft drinks and candies and other products). Have you considered putting a strip of about 12'; of metal around the trunk of the tree about 4 1/2 feet off the ground? It would help if the same squirrels can't jump from another tree onto that particular tree (put similar strips around the other trees, too).

    Or, you might want to tie some burlap material (twisted around itself first) and soak it with ammonia periodically to repel the squirrels.
    I have read a book on ';All about squirrels'; love 'em or hate 'em.

    I suppose they are eating the nuts?Squirrels are extremely smart rodents.They have a gift of finding any way to get at a food source.There probably is NO way to keep them out of the tree.If they are eating the nuts,and you do not want them to,you can give them an ALTERNATIVE source of food that they may enjoy,even better.The squirrels that I fed,LOVE peanut butter.If you can provide a CONSTANT source of ALTERNATIVE food,they will eventually move on to your source of food.
    An electric fencer works well for me. Place some insulators on the tree trunk and wrap 2';X4'; welded wire around it and hook a fencer to it. Here is a better description with a photo.
    I guess it would be a smart crack to say kill them. So other than that then get a cat or better still a bird of prey they will soon go with a preditor in their mist.

    I also wonder if they are preditorial animals, in which case spreading the urine of a stronger squirell might do the trick. How you obtain that will be another question.
    Sorry, but smart cracks are going to be unavoidable. Kill the squirrels or put up with it. You could post a hawk nearby, but that might prove to be somewhat difficult.
    You could place a rat guard partway up the trunk, but that would

    not keep them from jumping from one tree to another.

    You would have to put guards on every tree in close proximity.

    Or you could be a nice guy and just let them have some of your pecans.

    How to spray apple trees for bugs and prevent squirrels?

    I have two dwarf apple trees (golden delicious and red delicious).

    By August and September, the apples have bugs in them, and a lot of apples fall down from tree possibly because of squirrels.How to spray apple trees for bugs and prevent squirrels?
    You need to go to a garden center and ask for advice. NOT HOME DEPOT. You are going to have to be on a spray schedule. They will tell you what to use, and when. The apples are falling off from the bugs.How to spray apple trees for bugs and prevent squirrels?
    Dormant oil spray in the fall.

    Now is probably not too late.
    buy bug spray and spray the tree wth bug spray

    Would u like to run up and down trees like a squirrel or tunnel underground like a mole??!?

    Defiantly a Squirrel, They get to be up in the trees, out in the sun and fresh air. They have lot's of fun running around and twittering. In there fall they stuff themselves silly and sleep and eat all winter. What a life of luxury.Would u like to run up and down trees like a squirrel or tunnel underground like a mole??!?
    Trees!Would u like to run up and down trees like a squirrel or tunnel underground like a mole??!?
    definitely squirrel. im claustrophobic!
    up and down trees, please. you are offering to make this possible aren't you? i don't want to have to eat nuts all the time though.
    Just got to be a squirrel - up and down trees, wrinkling my nose and twitching my tail. Just watch out for cars on the road, nothing else to worry about.
    mm id take to the trees ..
    up and down trees, course
    Great question but ill have to go for a squirrel they are so fast and agile.
    I'll stick to a comfortable armchair in front of the telly if you don't mind - and in the cold weather, with the heating on as well. You don't get much of that up a tree do you?
    Definitely squirrel. I'd rather eat nuts than worms.
    the trees anytime. And boy the thought of collecting all the nuts i could hold......ummmmmmmm lol..;)
    nope I am pretty much moving slowly today--don't feel like dodging bullets
    like a squirrel, because you can get a suntan and poo on horrible humans at the sametime xx =)
    the squirrel option sounds nice

    it's a good excuse to act nutty!
    Run up and down trees like a squirrel. Then I will like to grow wings so that I can fly too. Then a magic bellybutton where I can press it and make myself invisible whenever I like. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!