Saturday, January 23, 2010

5 Baby squirrels fell from a tree when cutting it?

Ok we hired some people to cut a tree for us a big one, and like 5 baby squirrels fell, im not taking them to a vet, and their eyes are shut, i think they were born like 4 days ago, they have no fur and they fell from a really high place, and 2 of them have injured noses, we have them in the nest and covered with a towel in the sun, the people said to feed then with a hamster bottle or something.... Help? What do i do...? They look like this, more like the 2nd picture:鈥?/a>5 Baby squirrels fell from a tree when cutting it?
*First of all if you do not have the time to devote to the 4 hour feeding you need to turn them over to the Humane Society or like asap. I have raised many and still have Booger my 7 year old male. He shares his cage with my male dwarf rabbit and loves it.

You need to get a heating pad set on lowest setting then a bath towel folded and put on top. Place the babies on the towel. You will need puppy formula (not kitten formula) and an eye dropper. You will warm the formula (not hot) and feed threw an eye dropper one drop to the baby and let the baby suck it slowly off the end of the dropper. Let the baby swallow between drops. If the milk comes out the nose the baby will die 100% . You will need to take a paper towel dipped in warm (not hot) water and rung out. Need to wipe the butt after each feeding to stimulate the bowels. This is very very important.

Remember to change the towel daily that is on the heating pad and wash it. Remember everything is warm not hot. If you follow the directions to a tee they will make it. Feedings are every four hours around the clock. IF you can not do any of the following find an ASPCA to take them to pronto. Delaying any feedings is crucial to the survival of the babies. You should have looked for nest in the tree before cutting it down. Now those lives depend on you. You took their home away and their parents.

The above feedings will go on till their fur is fully in and the eyes are open. My feedings was done for several months. When they can drink out of a water bottle (not a bowl) then you can began to taper off the feedings slowly and give them sunflower seeds. They must have a tree limb in with them once they are weened. Must have the bark on it, must not be dead. This is important for the rest of their lives.5 Baby squirrels fell from a tree when cutting it?
if you wont take them to a vet- i would just leave them be outside and let nature take its course. from such a high fall its likely they will have internal damage and die without medical care. and tryin to take care of them yourself w/o medical care wont lead to anything either because the stress alone from human interaction will kill them.

sorry :(
just buy some of those hampster bottlese n fill it up with milk. and keep it there. b sure that u leave them in the tree cuz their momma might come bak. lol

good luck 4 now!!
Unfortunately, the mother won't return if you have touched the babies. They will either abandon or kill them. We have successfully saved 6 flying squirrels and 1 gray squirrel babies, but they were about 3 weeks old and already had fur and whatnot.

You probably won't be able to take care of them because they are so young, but good luck! We fed our babies puppy or kitten formula, don't remember which. You can look it up online, you might need infant formula. It has been a couple of years since we found the babies and I never payed attention to what type of formula my mother purchased.

And they won't be able to use a hamster bottle. Go to a pet store or a feed store and purchase small breed puppy bottles, they work greatly! Every two hours, feed them until they are full and stimulate them (use a warm, wet wash rag or cloth and gently rub their bottom and genital areas). Keep in mind that you have to play the role of the mommy now. And, if you don't feel that you can handle them, PLEASE call an animal conservation and ask them if they can take them in and raise them, because they will have a good idea on what they are doing.
you should keep them warm,you have 2 choices either save them yourself or hope for the mom to come. if you choose choice #2 do not touch them, wear gloves, find a place were a squirrel could have her babies and put them there make sure they DON';T FALL! if the mom doesn't come in some period of tome SAVE THEM! you will be rewarded, trust me. get an eyedropper and go to the pet Store ask the assistant for a suggestion of milk, or buy puppy milk. put a drop of milk in the eyedropper ( or hamster bottle) and feed it slowly. if one dies Bury it! Do not just throw it away! always keep them warm. and at least call the local vet and ask for help with the noses. If you save them you will be rewarded. i saved bunnies, and took them to a vet for free, and later i let them loose when they were 6 months old. in 2 weeks i won a full expense paid trip to Italy, it was so fun! you get my point right! you are a very good person for trying to save them! you should have pride in yourself! Congrats! and good luck, when they grow up a little feed them bird seed and water and warm milk.
DO NOT FEED ANYTHING AT THIS POINT. and never feed milk of any kind especially cows milk.. as this will surly give the the babies metabolic bone disease.. which is a fatal condition. First you should call your local fish and game dept to find a local rehab rescue person in your area to give them to since they will be able to care for them properly and will have all supplies and sources to do so. And in most states it is illegal to raise animals that are wild (born outside in nature) and there are fines if caught raising them even with good intentions. I have temp rescued many just for 24 hours until I could get them to my vet which is a domestic and exotics vet. Injuries require immediate medical attention.

DO NOT FEED ANYTHING especially if babies are cool to the touch as it can kill them. Baby squirrels have a normal temp of 99 degrees and their bodies wont process if lower than 99 degrees. Since they do have the added plus of having the nest.. first put them and their nest in a shallow box away from cats but where mom squirrel can have a chance to retrieve them. Squirrels have more than one nest usually and if she can see them and hear them she will retrieve them. if she doesn't come for them after several hours then the babies must be warmed up to temperature

before feeding them anything.I have included an awesome site to share with you that is very informative and the people are helpful as can be..

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