Saturday, January 23, 2010

If a tree falls in a wood...who rehouses the squirrels?

British government will issue them with passports,free council house, free health care,mobile phones,allow them to lie round like loppy dogs instead of working, etc..If a tree falls in a wood...who rehouses the squirrels?
They rehouse themselves!If a tree falls in a wood...who rehouses the squirrels?
The democrats will vote that the taxpayers pay for it.
The squirrel FHA
Squirrels are opportunists. They will displace whoever is not strong enough to repel them. And the weakest will die in the brutal struggle for survival - thus creating a habitat for other smaller creatures and creating the right ground conditions for the growth of another tree.

So beware, you and your home could be their next target.
The Squirrel Relocation Committee
omg!!! - you ask me this just before i go to bed??? NOW i'm worried!

do you think they would like to come and stay in my garden??

I think the loss of trees in a squirrels natural habitat whether it is due to natural causes of man-made causes will lead to what are known as ground squirrels. These animals dig burrows or dens out in the ground with long, sharp claws. However if the loss of trees is not gradual but sudden it would lead to the extermination of all the squirrels in that habitat because the squirrels had no time to adapt.

However if it is just a single tree we are talking about the squirrel will just build another nest in the next nearest tree.
The tree next to it.
More importantly, if a man speaks in the woods and no woman is there to hear him... Is he still wrong?
FEMA; as long as someone distributes the trailers properly.

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