Friday, January 22, 2010

If there were squirrels living in the huge cedar tree I just cut down, do you think the impact killed them?

The tree was pretty close to crashing down on my house, so, greenies back off, it was a danger...and I poked and kicked the tree a lot before I cut it down to try to get the squirrel family out...If there were squirrels living in the huge cedar tree I just cut down, do you think the impact killed them?
Hi. From what I just read while doing a yahoo search, a Mother Squirrel has 2 litters of young a year. One in spring and the other in fall. The first litter stays with their Mother until the next litter is born.

Depending on when you had your tree cut down, depends on whether the babies lived or not. This article says that squirrels can go into shock, etc....It also tells what to do if you find a baby squirrel.

Please go to this link and after the first page it will re-direct you to the rest of their site.

Hope I was of some help as I am a Definite Animal Lover, and from you being worried about the squirrel family, I can tell you are an animal lover also... :)If there were squirrels living in the huge cedar tree I just cut down, do you think the impact killed them?
They probably found anpother home. So don't feel bad they are smart they will servive in another tree somewhere. God Bless you for careing.

just kidding. Good chance the impact would have killed them or REALLY ticked them off.
Puterprsn has it right! Be comforted. Squirrels are smart and quick and good survivors. They would have gotten out of there at the first peculiar vibration/noise/smell, etc.

I wonder if you can use the wood in your fireplace? Ummm, that'd smell good!
no but you could try poison...
probably the noise scared them away
You defineately killed those cute little squirrels, murderer.
It might have killed them if they were in there but. as has been said, they probably ran. If you kicked and poked and they didn't come out, they would have probably already gone.
They probably did leave when the saw started up. But if they didn't, they are still fine - the impact of the fall on a squirrel is much different than the impact would be for a human. Don't worry, they have most likely already relocated.
I am sure there were no squirrels in the tree by the time it came down. These guys are very fast and know when to move!
As soon as the saw started, they left. The noise would have scared them off.
Dead squirrel babies. You mean, mean person. Their little furry souls haunt your dreams.
probley not.. squirrels are very quick..but i would go make sure there was no babies in there,just to ease your mind..
no dear the squirrels better athletes then human they run like hell so how is it possible that they stay there after hearing the noise

all the best
no you should go check to see if anything happend to them
i think they live happy in heaven :)
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