Friday, January 22, 2010

Who's side are you on? The Jamaican squirrels in the tree next door, or the confederate flag waving squirrels?

that live in the tree across the street?..Who's side are you on? The Jamaican squirrels in the tree next door, or the confederate flag waving squirrels?
hillbilly vermin or yardy roof rabbit, It's all methy party rum n coke party have sex party Until you run out of nuts, then it's ''hey ****** / oi broke dude ain't you got no dray to go to''.Who's side are you on? The Jamaican squirrels in the tree next door, or the confederate flag waving squirrels?
It's them bloody squirrels. but hell, thanks for best answer

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Since the acorn attacks of 1982,

I've been banned from participating in any squirrel sports events.

**Said while quietly waving the Jamaican squirrel flag**
Ohooo, no you don't, BR!

You're not dragging me into yet another one of these brutal and bloody squirrel wars. I remember last time I got caught in acorn crossfire -

those missiles may be small but they surely do smart.

Give peace a chance, I say!
Rasta man, rasta.
Jamaican squirrels =]
Rasta squirrels, star.
Rather have reggae than rednecks, thank you very much.
Dem Jamaicans Mon'
whoever has the most waffles

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