Saturday, January 16, 2010

Alcoholically speaking: If humans and apes derived from a common hominid ancestor the tree squirrel, why are?

there still marmots?

Burp!Alcoholically speaking: If humans and apes derived from a common hominid ancestor the tree squirrel, why are?
Marmots are tasty when smeared with Marmite.Alcoholically speaking: If humans and apes derived from a common hominid ancestor the tree squirrel, why are?
Alcoholically speaking?
Because marmots are really really hard to find and they aren't big enough for a good meal. Although I've heard pickled marmot's feet are delicious. burp burp
everyone knows

marmots just pretend to be here

They are in a fact, girafes
No we came from a nutsack and we were baked in a vagaina
everybody knows we came from dolphins and catfish.
I must be drunk too, because that makes sense

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