Monday, January 18, 2010

How do you get school kids to ask the teacher, ';how can a squirrel live on a tree so well?' or ..?

Girlfriend is a teacher. She needs to get her kids to ask her... how can a squirrel live on a tree.. or escape prey so well. She is doing a class on the body of squirrels, but the question has to come first... from the mouth of the student.... help us on this one... please.How do you get school kids to ask the teacher, ';how can a squirrel live on a tree so well?' or ..?
Put up pictures of squirrels around the class, or bring a toy squirrel in and put it in different spots around the room. Then hang it off a branch, or put it in a christmas tree. Won't take long for a kid to ask, ';Hey miss, what's that squirrel doing in the Christmas tree';

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